Glenn H. Mullin

Glenn H. Mullin (Born in 1949, Quebec, Canada) is a Tibetologist who lived in the Indian Himalayas between 1972 and 1984, where he studied philosophy, literature, meditation, yoga, and the enlightenment culture under thirty-five of the great living masters from the four schools of Tibetan Buddhism. His two principal tantric gurus were the late masters Kyabje Ling Dorjechang and Kyabje Trijang Dorjechang, who were best known as Yongdzin Che Chung, the two main gurus of the present Dalai Lama. The list of Glenn’s other teachers and initiation masters includes the Dalai Lama, Sakya Trizin Rinpoche, Kalu Rinpoche, Ngakpa Yeshe Dorje Rinpoche, Tai Situ Rinpoche, Khenchen Konchok Gyaltsen, Geshe Ngawang Dargyey, Geshey Rabten, and Gongsar Tulku. (An Interview with Glenn H. Mullin, Tibetologist)

After returning to North America in 1984, Glenn founded The Mystical Arts of Tibet. This association, under his direction, facilitated music and dance tours of Tibetan *monks in North America. The first such tours to reach the west, they also included demonstrations of mandala sand paintings. In accordance with their primary purpose, these cultural exchanges contributed… “mystically to world peace and planetary healing” and they raised “an awareness of the Tibet situation," at that time. Moreover the association generated funds for India’s refugee community and later dedicated its mission to the activities of Drepung Loseling, the largest of Tibet's monastic universities. (Faces and Lives of Glenn H. Mullin)

Glenn is the author of over twenty-five books on Tibetan Buddhism. Many of these focus on the lives and works of the early Dalai Lamas. Some of his other titles include Tsongkhapa's Six Yogas of Naropa and The Practice of Kalachakra (Snow Lion); Death and Dying: The Tibetan Tradition (Arkana/Viking Penguin); Mystical Verses of a Mad Dalai Lama (Quest Books); The Mystical Arts of Tibet (Longstreet Press); and The Fourteen Dalai Lamas, as well as The Female Buddhas (Clear Light Books). He has also worked as a field specialist on three Tibet-related films and five television documentaries, and has co-produced five audio recordings of Tibetan sacred music. In 2002 his book The Fourteen Dalai Lamas was nominated for the prestigious NAPRA award for best book, and in 2004 his book The Female Buddhas won a Best Book Award from Foreword Magazine.

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Notable Quotes

On Art:

On Femininity:

On Karma:

On Tibet:

On War:


Ten Books On the Lives & Works Of Early Dalai Lamas

Ten Books On Tibetan Buddhist Philosophy

Four Books On Tibetan Buddhist Art

Dalai Lamas on Tantra

A compilation of selections from his translations is : Glen H. Mullin (tr.) : The Dalai Lamas on Tantra. Snow Lion Publ, Ithaca, 2006. The chapters of this book are entitled :

Tibetan Art Exhibits

Established by His Holiness the Dalai Lama, The Tibet House preserves the unique cultural heritage of Tibet

Personal objects from the Dalai Lama, along with Ancient and modern Tibetan sacred art and ritual objects

An exploration of complex symbolism and the ever-rejuvenating vitality of feminine imagery in Tibetan religious art

Exhibition introduced the art of Mongolia as being a portal to the mystical land of Shambala

Tibetan art exhibition, inspired by historical anecdotes in Tibetan tradition that speak of mystics with powers of levitation and flight

Source: (Bruce Museum) (Central Tibetan Administration) (Cullum, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution) (Oglethorpe University)

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